Lucien Elisa Caroline
Jerome Louis Joseph
Mama(Letizia) Papa (Carlo)
There is a grave for March, a grave for Gwythur,The historian, William of Malmesbury, confirms that the whereabouts of Arthur's burial place is unknown, and that silly legends have been created as a result:
a grave for Gwgawn Red-sword;
the world's wonder, a grave for Arthur
. . .tomb of Arthur is nowhere beheld, whence the ancient ditties fable that he is yet to come.Given the immediate need for cash to rebuild their abbey, the death of their chief benefactor and a willingness to engage in questionable practices to serve what they believed was a noble end, it would take no great leap of the imagination to expect that the Glastonbury monks would come up with some other scheme to raise funds. In King Arthur, it would seem that they had a ready-made solution to their problems: a major legendary figure whose grave could attract all the pilgrims that the Old Church did, and, at the same time, enhance the abbey's reputation for sanctity and prestige as the final resting place of saints and kings.
Ralph of Coggeshall, "Chronicon Anglicanum," c.1225
"Here lies the famous King Arthur, buried in the isle of Avalon"
Margam Abbey (Wales), "Chronicle," some date it early 1190's, others, 14th century
"Here lies the famous King Arthur, buried in the isle of Avalon"
John Leland, 1542
"Here lies the famous King Arthur, buried in the isle of Avalon"
William Camden, "Britannia," 1607
"Here lies the famous King Arthur, buried in the isle of Avalon"
Monks of St. Albans, "Chronica Majora," mid- to late-13th Century
"Here lies the renowned King Arthur, buried in the isle of Avalon"
Adam of Domerham, "Historia de rebus Glastoniensibus," 1291
"Here lies interred in the isle of Avalon, the renowned King Arthur"
Gerald of Wales, "Liber de Principis instructione," c.1193
"Here lies buried the famous King Arthur with Guinevere his second wife in the isle of Avalon"
Gerald of Wales, "Speculum Ecclesiae," c.1216
"Here lies buried the famous King Arthur in the isle of Avalon with his second wife Guinevere"