Women in literature were more written about in books back in the day on feminism in literature, since this concept revolved around core book structures of being a downtrodden sex. They tried to bring in the ideology of equality, with men not being the domineering sex. There's been much debate about it over the centuries, and now in most cultures women have their rights, and can command respect from men. It is a controversial arena where men think they have the upper hand, treating women in an uncongenial, overbearing fashion.
That is not the case anymore today, where women do not have to fight to be noticed, and secure a place in society where they are not looked down upon. It is those cultures that have risen above the blinded idea of women being a lesser important sex, that are progressing. We look here at authors both men and women who've voiced these certain issues and addressed them openly through women related literature. Feminism has been approached in an upfront manner, covering these must read books of all time.
Feminist Literature
Given here is a list of authors, that over the centuries have written books based on feminism, that date back as far as the 15th century.
Name of Book Author Name
The Treasure of the City of Ladies Christine de Pisan
The Superior Excellence of Women Over Men Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa
Se l'egalite des deux sexes Prancois Poullain de la Barre
Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Female Citizen Olympe de Gourges
Her Protection for Women Jane Anger
The Skeleton Count, or The Vampire Mistress Elizabeth Caroline Gray
Indiana George Sand
Lelia George Sand
Woman in the Nineteenth Century Margaret Fuller
The Woman with Prospects Concepcion Arenal
Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte
The Adventures of a Woman in Search of her Rights Florence Claxton
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Harriet Jacobs
Papa's Own Girl Marie Howland
A Doll's House Henrik Ibsen
The Awakening Kate Chopin
New Amazonia Elizabeth Burgoyne Corbett
The New Woman Boleslaw Prus
The House of Mirth Edith Wharton
Three Guineas Virginia Woolf
The Radical Women Manifesto: Theory, Program and Structure Various Authors
A Room of One's Own Virginia Woolf
Against Our Will Susan Brownmiller
Literary Women Ellen Moers
The Bloody Chamber Angela Carter
When God Was a Woman Merlin Stone
The Traffic of Women Gayle Rubin
Pure Lust Mark Daly
In a Different Voice Carol Gilligan
Black Feminist Thought Patricia Hill Collins
Race, Class and Gender in the U.S Paula Rothenberg
Sexual/Textual Politics Toril Moi
A Vindication of the Rights of Whores Gail Pheterson
To Be Real Rebecca Walker
Upanibesh Sarojini Sahoo
Pratibandi Sarojini Sahoo
Not my Mother's Sister: Generational Conflict and Third-Wave Feminism Astrid Henry
Stripped Inside the Lives of Exotic Dancers Benadette Barton
Female Characters in Literature
Female characters have been in literature, a symbolic icon where she stands for many characters, that convey a certain message. You will see these women through good times and bad, controversial debates or human trafficking, in love or being heartbroken, being lost and alone, as infidels looking for love and a whole more on the lives of the fictional and non fictional.
Name of Book Female Character Author Name
Pride and Prejudice Elizabeth Bennett Jane Austen
Inside Daisy Clover Daisy Clover Gavin Lambert
Anna Karenina Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy
Madame Bovary Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert
Gone with the Wind Scarlett O' Hara Margaret Mitchell
The Awakening and Selected Stories Edna Pontellier Kate Chopin
Agnes Grey Agnes Grey Anne Bronte
Wuthering Heights Cathy Emily Bronte
The Great Gatsby Daisy Buchannan F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Postman Always Rings Twice Cora James M. Cain
Vanity Fair Becky Sharp William Makepeace Thackeray
Dracula Mina and Lucy Bram Stoker
A Murder is Announced Miss Marple Agatha Christie
Rebecca Mrs. Danvers Daphne DuMaurier
Mothers in Literature
The women who've played the roles of the good moms and bad moms, have had people either
adore them or hate them.
Name of Book Mother Characters Author Name
Little Women Marmee Louisa May Alcott
Sophie's Choice Sophie Zawistowska William Styron
Portney's Complaint Sophie Portnoy Philip Roth
Mother's Day June Cleaver Isaac Asimov
The Hours Laura Brown Michael Cunningham
A Doll's House Nora Helmer Henrik Ibsen
Precious Mary Lee Johnston Sapphire
Flowers in the Attic Corinne Dollanganger Virginia Andrews
Carrie Margaret Stephen King
These women in literature are the ones that keep us glued to our novels, hoping that the end is a happy one and not devastating. We get into these stories like it were real, and we relate to them when emotions and situations seem so life-like. I hope that you build on a love for reading to avail yourself from these great books.
By Naomi Sarah
Last Updated: 10/8/2011
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/women-in-literature.html
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