Friday, January 31, 2014

There's a complex for everyone!
Types of Complexes
The Encyclopedia of the Psychological Complexes” is abundant in the sorting of the variety of the existing complexes. Like any systematization exercise, the typology of the modern complexes, indeed, poses a challenge for the modern science as long as the increasing number of emerging complexes does not cease to appear, which puts it into unequal interdependence due to the various concurrent social factors and, therefore, makes it ultrasensitive to the new interpersonal transformations of the XXI century. Here is just a brief reference for some of the most recurring complexes, which happen in every one out of five clinical cases and, which deserve the most scrupulous attention of the specialist.
Complex of Oedipus\Elektra
A famous mental dilemma of a child that has to choose between his father and his masculine desire for his mother has grown into psychological disturbance known as a Complex of Oedipus (for boys) or Complex of Elektra (for girls). It`s been believed that the heroes from the Greek mythology Oedipus and Elektra fell in love with their parents and in order to fully possess them they had to kill another parent, the father in a case of Oedipus and a mother in a case of Elektra. However, having committed the murder, none of them felt satisfied as they were not in position to have intimate rapports with the loved ones neither to marry them, which would be publically considered as incest, nevertheless, the myth hides these details.
Since that time the enormous love for one of the parent to the exclusion of another is considered to be the sign of Oedipus\Elektra Complex. However, not all love of such kind shall be undoubtedly regarded as such. Notably the complex is manifested by:
- The deep affection, which becomes publically evident for the parent of the opposite sex;
- The brusque attitude to the parent of the same sex;
- The perception of the parent as the center of the child`s life in all its manifestations;
- The expressed desire to “marry” the parent;
- The ultra-sensitive reaction to the emotional or physical rejection of the parent, which carries the unconscious sexual character, especially in early childhood;
- The fantasying about the sexual relations with the parent, which might also be unconscious;
The complex has to be cured as it carries the danger for the harmonious and healthy mental development of a child. The complex may be transformed during the psychoanalytical sessions, wherein the “object of adoration” will be eliminated. If not cured, the complex might give rise to the incurred difficulties in finding the proper couple in adulthood as all candidates will be compared and leveled up to the parent and therefore impossible to find the one who resembles him/her.
Ego Complex
The Ego Complex’ stems from the conviction that ‘I am the center of the Universe’ and that one`s own desires should be satisfied instantly, whereas those of the others might wait. Still the practice shows that it is not always true, which hurts the egoists and makes their Ego complex vulnerable and insatiable. Usually such ‘Egoists’ were the only child in the family, who were used to the situation when all their desires were accomplished momentously. Having grown into the adults, they do not seek to change the reality, but they are eager to nourish their ‘self-love’ at all costs. However, it is not always the case. Those people, who suffer from the Ego complex might have been also deprived from the main wells in childhood and the satisfaction of one`s own Ego has become their only interest and daily care.
Such people can be easily defined from the crowd as all they care about is the satisfaction of their own needs, whenever they are, whatever they do. Shall it be the canteen they will be the first to receive the hot dish, shall it be the demonstrations they will be the ones, who shout the loudest. Having satisfied their needs they do not seem to be willing to help the others and often prefer not to be disturbed and would love to avoid all sorts of contacts that go in different direction with their personal goals. The communication of such people is usually limited to the topics that are interesting to the person`s ego, which might be also called ‘business deals’. The contacts, which do not serve to their own pleasure, are usually eliminated.
The complex does not normally need cure, as it presents no evident danger, neither for the personal health nor to the society. These people are efficient in finding what they want to, however as soon as their goals are achieved they tend to rest lonely.
Father Complex
This complex derives from the natural habit of the constant preoccupation and care about the child, which soon might grow into a complex. The possessors of this complex are usually those who are publically called ‘the good fathers’ or “the ideal fathers”, that is to say, the ones, who give to their offspring the best in deficiency of oneself without asking any remuneration or gratitude in return. In this mental dilemma, the child becomes a kind of the parent`s obsession, which cannot be dealt with easily, and even when the moment comes when all the needs of the child are satisfied, the parent rests constantly perplexed and ready to run to ‘the child`s rescue’ as he/she used to. And if he does not do so he becomes worried. And even when he does so he is worried as well. So, the dilemma has two ends, that is why this complex resembles a sort of vicious circle.
All caring male parents are sensitive to possess the ‘Father complex’ and it is practically difficult to avoid it. In the early childhood, the father tends to spend all his free time with the child, helping him/her to learn the world, if not to mention that all father`s thoughts are concentrated on the idea of providing a happy and adequate life for a baby. As a toddler grows, the father is right here to accompany the child on his life path, whether he/she learns his/her first ABC or he/she rides a bicycle. In a teen age, the father is always ready to render the advices or give instructions, which sometimes might be considered too intrusive from the teen`s point of view as he/she does usually ask for them, and that is here wherein the complex starts manifesting itself in its full blossom, and that is exactly here wherein the parent-children conflicts start following the scenario: ‘I have told you!’, – “Don`t teach me how to live!”. In youth age such fathers feel free to intervene into the child`s private life by suggesting the most appropriate couple to marry or simply by arranging the marriage by himself. When a child becomes an adult, he/she always rests a child for his parent. For a parent it seems difficult to get accustomed to the idea that his offspring is an adult now. That is why ‘the parent-child relations’ do not change significantly since the childhood, but tend to develop and sometimes can even get closer if the both parts accept it, and if not, there might happen the rupture and alienation.
The ‘Father Complex’ does not require any specific psychological cure, however it is highly recommended that the parent reduces his tensions and worries about the child as long as he sees that the last can take care of himself.
Mother Complex
The ‘Mother complex’ stems from the same roots as the ‘Father complex’, however in the mother`s case it might take more serious and bigger dimensions as the mother is the one, who constantly remains with the child throughout all her life. The ‘Mother complex’ differs from the ‘Father complex’ also for the cause of her pregnancy and the necessity to carry a child throughout 9 months, which can be also saturated with a fear to lose a child or to give a birth to unhealthy person. The mother is the one, who is most tightly connected to the child and all her life revolves around the urgent necessity to care about him/her.
The complex’s manifestations are practically the same as in the father`s case, however, it might take the feminine forms in particular situations, which is individual for each case.
The ‘Mother`s Complex’ is not grave as long as it does not grow into obsession and does cause complications for the mother`s life and that of the child.
Complex of Don Juan
The complex derives from the constant personal frustrations incurred in the intimate relations with women. The sad love story with a broken-heart-end or the sexual traumatic experience might also be in the roots of this masculine complex.
The complex`s manifestations vary from case to case, whereas, the common aspects are the following:
- The psychological perception of a woman as a source of pleasure, which can and should bring satisfaction to a man;
- The ignorance about women;
- The easy-going and superficial attitude towards all women without exception;
- The tendency to change the intimate partners frequently, without concentration on someone in particular;
- The dramatization of the relations with women, e.i. leaving without saying ‘good-bye’ etc.;
- The habit to live at woman`s cost;
- The incapacity to truly love a woman and to build the long-term and stable relations with her.
Unfortunately, such people are not capable to create a family, and in a case when the person aims at changing his life, the psychoanalysis and personal-relations therapy shall be applied.
Messianic/Redeemer Complex
The complex may start manifesting itself already at the early stage, that is to say, from the time when a child gains consciousness of himself as of an individuality, which, for the most of the part, is a period, when the complex may be conceived. Such children usually stand out in the crowd and perform themselves as the guides of the specific causes. The role of ‘the Chosen One’ may serve as a pretext to the majority of the social demarches (i.e. not going to school) or the excuse for the deviant behavior (i.e. certain habits). The complex might be formed also at the more mature age due to non-possibility of self-realization and as a consequence of the life crisis.
The person, who suffers from the ‘messianic complex’, feels a certain mission confined to him and that he has to fulfill at any cost. The paradox is that during the whole lifetime the person might spend in search of that ‘mission’. And not having found it, there is only a feeling left of the ‘exclusiveness’, which provokes a bunch of miscomprehension between him and the society, and most often leads the conflicts inside himself. Among the symptoms there are: irrational belief in one`s ‘uniqueness’; haughtiness; a tendency to the isolation; a manner to express oneself in prophetic phrases when one does not know what to answer;
The complex does not carry any danger to life as long as it does not grow into mania.
Complex of Cleopatra
A Complex of Cleopatra or a Complex of a Queen, as it is more widely known, is an ancient psychological complex, which is inherent to a big number of powerful women. The complex is mainly caused by the excessive amount of the feminine hormones and the reservoirs of the sexual energy, which are increased by the permanent state of consciousness concerning her uniqueness and total power above the rest of the world owing to her eminent beauty, great talent or other outstanding personal or professional qualities.
At first sight such a woman might seem frigid and disinterested in the company of the men, as a priori she considers that no man deserves her. Throughout her life she might choose one or several partners, from who she would demand total adoration and veneration as that is what her sensation of exclusiveness urges. And in a case when it is not received, the consequences might be dramatic and even tragic for both parts. Any competitor might be eliminated instantly as such a woman asks a man to be to completely loyal to her and especially to ‘their common ideas’.
It is difficult to name at least one powerful woman who would not experience ‘the dilemma of Cleopatra’ to the point that it is frequently considered as an elite mark rather than a psychological disorder. However, the complex might present a danger at its final stage if no psychoanalytical intervention is applied, as a woman, who possesses a ‘Complex of Cleopatra’ risk significantly to commit suicide rather than the one, who does not have it.
Complex of Napoleon
The person with a ‘Complex of Napoleon’ is the one, who experiences certain physical disadvantages (or those of the other nature) and at the same time happens to be a head above all others at his/her specialization, which gives him/her high reputation and publically-acknowledged leadership.
The primary syndromes are:
• The obvious physical disadvantage(s) and the evident tentative to hide it (them);
• The self-centrism (or rather complex-centrism) and as a consequence self-isolation, which facilitates the person to preserve and bring up his/her unique talent in a special area (usually in the most specific and rare one);
• The leadership and the ability to lead the masses;
• The great number of followers;
• The popularity.
The complex does not endanger life, it is rather good psychological stimulation for the development of the unique talent that each ‘Napoleon’ has.
Complex of Lolita
The complex appears as a consequence of difficult relations between a daughter and a father in a childhood, or it might also be provoked by childhood brought up in the absence of a father. The lack of father`s love that this girl did not obtain at childhood she tries to find it at the men of the senior age and, therefore, compensate her psychological crave.
The complex is usually attributed to the teen girls, however, it is also frequent at the adult women (20-30 ages) and it is demonstrated as following:
• The adoration of a man, who could probably be her father;
• The search of attention from the men of senior age;
• The complete disregard of her peers and inability to obtain satisfaction with them;
• The tendency to avoid women`s company and friendship.
Usually the complex does not bring about the complications as long as both partners consent to such relations.
Complex of Inferiority
This type of complex is usually caused by the suppression of one`s feelings due to certain social rules or by the society itself, which further on grew into the amalgam of the personal insufficiency and perception of one`s inability to be ‘like others’.
Due to its deep roots that it takes at the personal level, the complex has developed specific psychological nature and can be either ‘apparent’ or ‘hidden’. Its common features can be listed as follows:
• The careless attitude to one`s self;
• The ungrounded self-restriction, which, in grave cases, might grow into auto-deprivation and self-torturing;
• The lessening of one`s own needs when addressing about oneself or talking about oneself in a diminutive manner without respect;
• The difficulty in expressing one`s own point of view or inability to formulate one`s own desire;
• The tendency to the masochism.
The complex needs the intervention of the specialist and the successive course of the psychoanalysis aimed at the elimination of the complexes` associations and the consecutive psychological cure.
Complex of Superiority
This complex stems from the inner perception of oneself being better than the others. The complex can be transmitted by heritage, or, in rare cases, gained throughout the life. In the first case the complex is demonstrated in all life`s spheres disregarding any conditions, whereas in the latter one it is rather concentrated on the area, where it rose from (work, social relations etc.).
Its features are namely:
• The protracted belief of one`s eminence above the rest of the world;
• The consideration of others as those who do not deserve their company or even ‘retarded’;
• The personal relations building in specific schemas, wherein in the centre there is always gain;
• The incapacity to develop friendship relations;
• The aim to control any life`s situation at any cost.
The complex does not require psychological intervention at the early stage, however, it might be needed so at the later stages, when the complex might gain the complete control of the personality.
Adonis Complex
This masculine complex stems from the perception of the uniqueness of one`s own beauty, which is enhanced by the tremendous effect that it has on the surrounding people. The Adonis Complex is remarkably influenced by the role of the public opinion played in its primary conception, further consolidation and final consequences.
The complex is demonstrated in the following psychological aspects:
• The constant perception of one`s eminent physical attractiveness;
• The comprehension of the power that one`s charm gives above the others;
• The constant reclamation of due attention, which usually grows into exaggerated forms;
• The sensation of one`s exclusiveness that needs to be constantly stimulated;
• The extreme selfishness.
Sometimes the Adonis Complex takes up grave forms and might threaten the safety of the others, which leads to the forceful isolation of the ‘sufferer’ from the rest of the world. The psychotherapeutic intervention would be required only in grave cases.
God Complex
The God Complex’ is a widespread psychological illusion of unlimited personal potential, which misguides the person and can sometimes be the cause of serious troubles between the person and the society. This misleading idea of the omnipotence can be caused by the abuse of the doping substances as well by the constant stimulation of the brain core.
The complex might demonstrate itself from different sides in dependence of the area of its cultivation, varying from the easy-apparent to the highly-apparent signs, all of which might be resumed to the following:
- The ungrounded conviction of one`s own unlimited power;
- The persistent demonstration of one`s abilities;
- The incurring of the constant life-threatening risks;
- Aiming at the top difficult tasks and the constant attempts to accomplish them;
- The high self-concentration and the ignorance of the opinions of others if they do not agree with the personal position;
- The stubbornness and categorical unwillingness to admit one`s own faults.
The complex tends to grow into the maniac syndrome, so the preventive medical assistance shall be rendered at once.
Cassandra complex
It is in 1949 when the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard coined the term ‘Cassandra Complex’ to refer to a belief that the destiny can be known in advance. In psychology, ‘the Cassandra metaphor’ is applied to the individuals who experience physical and emotional suffering as a result of distressing personal perceptions, and who are disbelieved when they attempt to share the cause of their suffering with others.
It is not difficult to recognize the ‘Cassandra Complex’ as soon as the following features are noted:
- The feeling of the certain important mission to accomplish;
- The constant warnings about the consequences of incorrect behavior;
- The permanent appeal to the moral principles and the common order;
- The ability to feel the grief of the other to the point that it becomes one`s own;
- The sufferings caused by the people`s ignorance and disobedience.
The Complex might cause the inconveniences only to the one who possess it as it practically eliminates the sensation threshold, thus making the ‘sufferer’ vulnerable to any exterior troubles. In this case the session of the psychotherapy might bring relief.
Hero Complex
The inability ‘to find oneself’ in the specific craft or the failure to do so in the professional realization might be considered as the main factors of the appearance of ‘the Hero Complex’. This psychological dilemma is characterized by the following syndromes:
- The perception of one`s self as a hero whereas certain actions are considered to be weird from the point of view of the social norms;
- The acceptance of one`s ‘heroic’ burden to carry;
- The constant complaints about one`s uneasy destiny and miscomprehension from the part of the society;
- The noble impulse to come to rescue of the sufferers even when there is no necessity;
- The possible temporary auto-reclusion or the rejection from the part of the society.
The Hero Complex’ does not provoke grave complications as long as the person stays occupied with one`s own ‘mission’. However, as soon as it is ‘accomplished’, there comes the period of the confrontation with the reality, which provokes nothing more than the deception and the depression. So, among the most common psychological consequences of ‘the Hero Complex’ is the disillusionment.
Martyr Complex
In contrast to the ‘Hero Complex’, with which ‘the Martyr Complex’ has got quite a lot of features in common, the destiny of the latter is even more tragic, as the “Martyr” not having received the sought sympathy of the others would fall into dementia and cause the sufferings as hard as he/she has gone through. The main syndromes can be observed in such cases:
- The life is considered to be as the grave challenge, wherein the sufferings are the only way to achieve one`s own aims;
- The attempts to influence other people by the demonstration of the ‘tortures’ that he/she goes through;
- The tendency to the exhibition of one`s own poor state;
- The strong belief that all the sufferings will be compensated;
- The obtaining of pleasure in the moral and physical torments.
As it has been noted, ‘the Martyr Complex’ is one of the most serious psychological crushes that influence deeply the whole psycho processes and risks to grow into psychosis. In such a case the final hospitalization is urgent.
Persecution complex
The Persecution Complex’ is one of the most common psychological syndromes of the modern globalized and the globalized world. Being constantly in a hurry and feeling lack of time, the person can easily obtain its syndromes, which are namely the following:
- The permanent illusion of being spied at, which is accompanied by the feeling of the presence of somebody even if the person is alone;
- The experience of constant harsh;
- The tendency to accomplish one`s own duty in a hurry due to the lack of time;
- The apparent mistrust towards the rest of the world;
- The fear of being caught.
Having chosen the modern style of life, the person even does not suspect, what psychological consequences it might lead to, and, notably the acquisition of the ‘Persecution Complex’. The Complex might take different variations; however, it cannot disappear as long as the same pace of life is preserved.
There exist as many complexes as there are the people in the world and the list of the complexes herein exposed is not full and can be filled continuously as every day the new complications appear. And it depends only on us shall we allow these small dilemmas that once confused us to ‘complicate’ our life, or we will simply let them go and will continue living a normal and easy life as we all deserve it. May your life be without complexes!
Complex of Indecisiveness
The Complex of Indecisiveness’ might develop in childhood as well as in the adult age due to the impediment, stress or chock that occurred during the decision-making process. That is to say, at the time of taking the important resolution, the flux of the reflections of the person was disturbed and he/she lost the confidence, which, therefore, led to the failure to complete the certain task in his/her life.
The complex shows the following syndromes:
  • The apparent disorientation in life;
  • The lack of confidence;
  • The inability to take serious decisions independently;
  • The high dependence on the opinion of others;
  • The tendency to change one`s mind at the last moment.
The Complex of Indecisiveness’ might be the cause of the major troubles in a life, such as an ability to speak in public, sound out one`s own opinion on the subject, defend one`s own position. The complex shall be fought up with definitely with the psychological practices that boost up one`s proper confidence.
Complex of the Dependence on the Opinion of Others
The lack of the personal confidence and the individual position might lead to the situation, when the opinion of the entourage becomes the most important element of the judgment of one`s personal behavior. The public praise encourages one`s particular behavior, whereas the disapproval inhibits it. In such a ‘merry-go-round’ runs the life of a person, who becomes the hostage of this complex, which namely can be resumed to the following syndromes:
  • The inability to formulate one`s own position without the preliminary counseling with the others;
  • The high estimation of the opinion of ‘the other ‘ and the depreciation of the personal even if the latter one is right;
  • The high tendency to follow blindly the particular groups, directions, sects;
  • The excessive influence of the public opinion on one`s own life, including the private;
  • The acute reaction to the public indifference, which causes deep emotional sufferings.
The complex tends to develop in the vicious circle “action-reaction-inhibition/advancement”. However, there are possible dramatic consequences if this person receives the public rejection. The complex can be cured by the relations built on mutually respect and esteem.
Complex of Castration
All men without exception possess ‘the Complex of Castration’. At the base of the major part of the typically masculine acts lies ‘the Complex of Castration’, which is also the cause of the great feminine-masculine miscomprehension, as the last ones do not possess penis and, therefore, cannot realize fully its importance to a man. From time to time each man can sense such syndromes:
  • The high dependence of one`s self-esteem on one`s masculine power;
  • The unconscious realization of the urgent necessity to protect the masculine organ, which is demonstrated verbally or physically;
  • The tendency to accept the threats of the exterior world as those aimed at the penis;
  • The ungrounded beliefs that certain women`s attitude aims at the liquidation of their penis, and, therefore, considered as dangerous;
  • The demonstrated aggression in the above-mentioned case.
The complex makes up the part of the natural development of each man and, therefore, there is no necessity to fight against it. The complex becomes more evident when there is an imminent threat and it is less demonstrated when the situation presents no menace to the masculine power.
Complex of Virility
Being a man in any situation – that is how the Complex of Virility might be paraphrased differently. The complex takes its onset from the very childhood, when the parents were teaching a small boy to behave like ‘an adult man’ and learn to endure any difficulties. Since that time, a small boy grew up, however, the psychological directive engraved so deeply that henceforth it would regulate the whole life of a man. The complex can be observed as follows:
  • The anxiety caused by the constant necessity to take responsibility, whether it carries a minor or major character;
  • The tendency to fall into depression, which, however, is scrupulously hidden from the rest of the world;
  • The constant psychological tensions;
  • The public demonstration of one`s masculine traits in a explicit or implicit ways;
  • The aggression.
The Complex of Virility’ is a natural state of the normal masculine development, and shall be regarded as an advantage rather than the opposite.
Complex of an Excellent Student
It is true that ‘the Complex of an Excellent Student’ may be conceived at the school age and its effect may last throughout the whole life. Therefore, it demonstrates itself in any life sphere, where the responsibility and the complete accomplishment are required, from the working up to the intimate relations as it follows:
  • The high exigency from oneself concerning the duty performance;
  • The unconscious fear to get ‘a bad mark’;
  • The high level of stressfulness;
  • The possible inadequate behavior if ‘the lesson was unprepared’;
  • The ultra vulnerability to all types of critics.
This complex is all about the relations between oneself and the sense of responsibility. Once the priorities are settled up correctly, the person feels less tensed, and the complex has no more control over him/her.
Complex of Non-Love to One-Self
The complex might be caused by possible traumatic experience concerning one`s own appearance, which was unfavorably judged by the others, especially the close people, whose opinion is the most valuable.
  • The ungrounded perception that one doesn`t merit the love of others and, therefore, one`s own love;
  • The extremely low self esteem;
  • The rejection of the possibility that somebody might like this person;
  • The neglectfulness towards the personal care;
  • The careless attitude towards one`s own destiny.
The Complex of Non-Love to One-Self’ is, indeed, one of the most widespread complexes in the modern world, which, however, might not be recognized and be well concealed from the others. The complex only provokes the unnecessary sufferance, which can be avoided owing to a practical psychological assistance. In this case, the courses of the elevation of the self-esteem will be of high effectiveness.
Complex of Loneliness
The Complex of Loneliness’ appears as aresult of unsuccessful and unhappy contacts with the exterior world. A person rests with an idea that ‘it`s better to be alone than with somebody else’, which consequently brings about the social isolation and even volunteer reclusion. Its main features are:
  • The unconscious will of isolation, or to hide oneself;
  • The ungrounded belief that nobody would understand his/her situation, sufferings etc.;
  • The difficulty of finding the contact with others;
  • The recurring failures to build permanent relations;
  • The habit of finding comfort and happiness in solitude.
The Complex should be fought against instantly at its onset. The good company and family support, either the psychological counseling would be of necessary assistance.
Complex of the Oppression of the Sexuality
In the majority of the cases, at the base of this complex lies the oppressed libido, which leads to the frigidity hidden in the form of the sexual disinterest.
  • The avoidance of the intimate relations;
  • The unnatural disinterest towards the opposite sex;
  • The categorical unwillingness to get enlightened about the sexual matters;
  • The paranoic vision of the sexual relations;
  • The pervasive perception of the sexual life.
This complex is unhealthy reflection of one`s oppressed sexual energy, which might lead to the grave consequences in the intimate relations. The complex shall be eliminated instantly by the consultation with the sexologist or psychoanalyst.
Complex of Guilt
The Complex of Guilt’ derives from the eternal aspiration to the justice and when something goes wrong, the person, who possesses this complex, starts feeling personal guilt for it. The complex might also appear due to the sublimation of the certain traumatic events (e.i. witnessing the accident) that took place in the past and which the person wanted to revert, but cannot.
  • The obsessed idea “that everything could have been done better”;
  • The readiness to accept the responsibility even if one didn`t commit wrongdoings;
  • The inability to judge objectively;
  • The miscomprehension of the person`s limits and the constant attempts to surpass them;
  • The high sensitivity to the opinions of others.
The Complex of Guilt’ provokes, undoubtedly, the sufferings and the major inconvenience in the rational vision of the surrounding people and current events. It should be liquidated as soon as possible. Its complete cure requires the deep psychoanalytical approach with intensive restoration analytical therapy.
Complex of Incapability to Say “No”
It is widely believed that the people, who accept the reality with their emotions, rather than with their judgment, tend to possess ‘the Complex of Incapability to Say “No”’. Its main indications are the following:
  • The incapacity of the analytical judgment of the situation;
  • The disturbed optimistic vision of the reality;
  • The excessive sense of responsibility;
  • The permanent fear that if the person answers negatively, then the whole world would turn his/her back to him/her;
  • The desire to help the others even if there is not such a possibility to do so.
As long as this complex causes no disturbances, it can be considered as a particularity of the individualism, however, it depends entirely on the person if he/she wants to change one`s approach to life or not.
   Having chosen the modern style of life, the person even does not suspect, what psychological consequences it might lead to, and, notably the acquisition of the ‘Persecution Complex’. The Complex might take different variations; however, it cannot disappear as long as the same pace of life is preserved.
There exist as many complexes as there are the people in the world and the list of the complexes herein exposed is not full and can be filled continuously as every day the new complications appear. And it depends only on us shall we allow these small dilemmas that once confused us to ‘complicate’ our life, or we will simply let them go and will continue living a normal and easy life as we all deserve it. May your life be without complexes!

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