Saturday, September 28, 2013

Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys' ARTHURIAN ART

Morgan le Fay
  How does a young artist gain fame? At 25, Frederick Sandys, then a young man of 25, gained instant fame by drawing a caricature. Millais, one of the most famous of the pre-Raphaelites, produced Sir Isumbras at the Forddepicting the knight and two children seated on a somewhat oversized horse. Sandys drew a caricature of the painting showing Millais as the knight and Rossetti and Holman Hunt as the children, sitting on a donkey branded 'J.R.' for John Ruskin. This picture so impressed Rossetti that they became close friends for many years.
  During the 1860s, Sandys gained an enormous reputation as an illustrator of books and magazines despite producing only 25 drawings.
  Most of Sandys' oils depict femmes fatales and the people in his pictures often have what has been termed the 'Sandys' sneer'.
  Pictures by Sandys include Medea and Morgan le Fay in the Birmingham City Art Gallery, Helen of Troy in the Manchester City Art Gallery, a collection of several portraits as well as one large outdoors scene calledAutumn hang in the Norwich Museum, and Spring in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. His Mary Magdalene is in Delaware in the US.

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