Thursday, August 22, 2013

Timeline of the Napoleonic Wars

Cossacks II Napoleonic Wars wallpaper

Image:  Cossacks II Napoleonic Wars Wallpaper (Staples, huh?)


  • Napoleon involved in Corsican politics.


  • January: Napoleon joins the Jacobins
  • February: Napoleon rejoins the 'La Fere' (newly designated the '1st') Artillery Regiment at Auxonne
  • June: Napoleon promoted to 1st lieutenant and re-assigned to 4th (former 'Grenoble') Artillery Regiment at Valence
  • 20 June: Flight of the French Royal family.
  • July: French army officers required to take oath to new Constitution. Napoleon did, many Royalist officers did not.
  • October: Napoleon returns to Corsica.


  • 20 April: French Assembly declares war on Austria.
  • 26 June: First Coalition formed.
  • 10 August: Napoleon witnesses the storming of the Tuileries.
  • 20 September: Battle of Valmy, the revolution endures.
  • 6 November: Battle of Jemappes, French gain Austrian Netherlands.


  • 21 January: Louix XVI guillotined.
  • 18 March: Battle of Neerwinden, Austrians take Austrian Netherlands back.
  • 11 June: Losers in Corsican political struggle Bonaparte family flees to Toulon.
  • 16 September- 19 December: Napoleon distinguishes himself at the siege of Toulon.
  • 15-16 October: Battle of Wattignies, French relieve Maubeuge and close road to Paris.
  • 22 December: Napoleon appointed general of brigade.


  • February:Napoleon appointed commander of artillery in the Army of Italy.
  • 26 June: Battle of Fleurus.
  • 27 July: Fall of Robespierre (Napoleons patron)
  • 8 August: Napoleon arrested, but released after a period of imprisonment, during which he rightly feared for his life.


  • 16 May: Peace of Basle; Prussia leaves war.
  • 19 August: Peace with Spain.
  • 5 October: 'The whiff of grapeshot'; Napoleon saves the government by turning his cannon on rioters. Cavalry Major Murat retrieves the necessary artillery.


  • 8 March: Napoleon marries Josephine.
  • 11 March: Napoleon is appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Army of Italy.
  • 10-12 April: Battle of Montenotte.
  • 13 April: "Battle" of Millesimo.
  • 14-15 April: Battle of Dego.
  • 16-17 April: Battle of Ceva.
  • 20 April: Mondovi taken, Napoleon's army reaches the plains of Northern Italy.
  • 28 April: Armistice of Cherasco, Piedmont out of the war.
  • 10 May: Action at Lodi.
  • 4 June: Battle of First Battle of Altenkirchen
  • 19 June: Battle of Ukerath
  • 28 June: Battle of Kinzig (Rechen)
  • 5 July: Battle of Rastatt
  • 9 July: Battle of Ettlingen (Malsch)
  • 14 July: Battle of Haslach
  • 5 August: Battle of Castiglione
  • 7 August: Battle of Forcheim
  • 11 August: Battle of Neresheim
  • 24 August: Battle of Friedberg
  • 24 August: Battle of Amberg
  • 3 September: Battle of Wurzberg
  • 8 September: Battle of Bassano
  • 2 October: Battle of Biberach
  • 19 October: Battle of Emmendlingen (or Emmendingen)
  • 23 October: Battle of Schliengen
  • 15-17 November: Battle of Arcola


  • 14 January: Battle of Rivoli.
  • 18 April: Battle of Second Battle of Altenkirchen.
  • 20 April: Battle of Diersham.
  • 10 March - 6 April: Army of Italy engaged in operations against Archduke Charles
  • 4 September: Coup d'etat of 18 Fructidor.
  • 17 October: Treaty of Campo Formio with Austria ends war in Italy.


  • 19 May: Napoleon sails from Toulon to invade Egypt.
  • 12 June: Napoleon occupies Malta.
  • 21 July: Battle of the Pyramids.
  • 1 August: Battle of the Nile; Nelson destroys French fleet supporting Napoleon.
  • 21 October: Cairo revolt suppressed.
  • 29 December: Second Coalition formed.


  • 5 Feburary: Napoleon invades Syria (modern Isreal/Palestine)
  • 1 March: Russia declares war on France.
  • 17 March: Napoleons seige of Acre begins.
  • 5 April-15 August: Austrians and Russians retake Italy and Switzerland.
  • 16 April: Battle of Mount Tabor; Turkish army attempting to relieve Acre is defeated.
  • 10 May: Napoleons final assault on Acre repulsed.
  • 20 May: Unsuccessful seige of Acre ends.
  • 25 July: Battle of Aboukir.
  • 22 August: Napoleon leaves Egypt, and evading British fleet sails for France.
  • 25-30 September: Massena defeats Russians near Zurich.
  • 9 October: Naploeon lands in France.
  • 9 November: Napoleon's coup of 18 Brumaire establishes the Consulate.
  • 10 November: Napoleon becomes First Consul.


  • 20 March: Battle of Heliopolis
  • 18 April: Massena besieged in Genoa.
  • 3 May: Moreau victor in Battle of Stockach.
  • 15-21 May: Army of Reserve crosses the Alps.
  • 9 June: Battle of Montebello.
  • 14 June: Battle of Marengo.
  • 19 June: Battle of Hochstadt.
  • 5 September: French forced to surrender Malta.
  • 5 December: Battle of Hohenlinden.


  • 9 February: Napoleon signs the Treaty of Luneville with Austria.
  • 20-21 March: Night or Second Battle of Aboukir, also known as Battle of Alexandria.
  • 21 March: French forces in Egypt capitulate.
  • 23 March: Tsar Paul murdered; Alexander succeeds.
  • 2 April: British attack Copenhagen. Nelson's famous 'blind eye'.
  • 15 July: Napoleon signs Concordat with the Pope.


  • 27 March: Treaty of Amiens signed with Great Britain.
  • 2 August: Napoleon made Consul for life.
  • 15 October: France invades Switzerland.


  • 30 April: Napoleon sells Louisiana to United States.
  • 18 May: Britain declares war.
  • 1 June: Napoleon begins to prepare invasion of Britain. French take Hanover.


  • 21 March: Duc d'Enghien murdered. Promulgation of the Civil code.
  • 18 May: Napoleon proclaimed Emperor
  • 19 May: Marshalate created.
  • 2 December: Napoleon's coronation as Emperor.
  • 14 December: Spain declares war on Britain.


  • 11 April: Britain and Russia ally (beginning of 3rd Coalition).
  • 26 May: Napoleon crowned King of Italy.
  • 9 August: Austria joins 3rd Coalition.
  • 20 October: Battle of Ulm.
  • 21 October: Battle of Trafalgar.
  • 15 November: Napoleon enters Vienna.
  • 2 December: Battle of Austerlitz.
  • 26 December: Treaty of Pressburg between Austria and France.


  • 1 April: Joseph Bonaparte becomes King of Naples.
  • 20 June: Louis Bonaparte becomes King of Holland.
  • 12 July: Confederation of the Rhine established.
  • 6 October: Fourth Coalition (Russia, Prussia, Britain, and Sweden) formed.
  • 14 October: Battle of Jena . Battle of Auerstadt.
  • 26 October: Napoleon enters Berlin.
  • 21 November: Berlin degree begins the Continental System, which attempts to reduce Britain by blockade.
  • 16 December: French enter Warsaw.


  • 8 February: Battle of Eylau.
  • 18 March: Seige of Danzig begins.
  • 27 May: Danzig falls.
  • 14 June: Battle of Friedland.
  • 7 July: Treaty of Tilsit between France, Prussia and Russia.
  • 19 July: Grand Duchy of Warsaw instituted.
  • 2-7 September: British attack Copenhagen destroying the Danish fleet.
  • 27 October: Treaty of Fontainebleu; France and Spain agree to attack Portugal.
  • 30 November: Junot occupies Lisbon.


  • 2 May: Murat suppresses Madrid uprising.
  • 6 June: Joseph Bonaparte proclaimed King of Spain.
  • 14 July: Battle of Medina del Rio Seco.
  • 22 July: Battle of Bailen. Significantly damages French military reputation.
  • 21 August: Battle of Vimeiro. Wellington defeats French forces in Portugal.
  • 5 November: Napoleon assumes command in Spain.
  • 4 December: Napoleon enters Madrid.



  • 22 April: Napoleon marries Marie-Louise of Austria.
  • 9 July: Messena takes Cuidad Rodrigo.
  • 27 September: Battle of Bussaco.
  • 10 October: Wellington retires behind Lines of Torres Verdes.


  • 5 March: Messena begins withdrawal from Portugal.
  • 20 March: Marie-Louise bears Napoleon a son, who is given the title 'King of Rome'.
  • 3-5 May: Battle of Fuentes de Onoro.
  • 15 May: Battle of Albuera.
  • 23 December: Napoleon begins preparations to invade Russia.


  • 19 January: Wellington captures Ciudad Rodrigo.
  • 6 April: Wellington captures Badajoz.
  • 20 June: Sixth Coalition formed.
  • 24 June: Napoleon invades Russia.
  • 22 July: Battle of Salamanca.
  • 17-19 August: Battle of Smolensk.
  • 7 September: Battle of Borodino.
  • 14 September: Napoleon enters Moscow.
  • 19 October: Napoleon leaves Moscow.
  • 21 October: Wellington repulsed at Burgos.
  • 24-25 October: Battle of Maloyaroslavets.
  • 26-28 November: Battle of the Beresina.
  • 30 December: Yorck signs Convention of Tauroggen by which his Prussian Corps defects from the French Grande Armee.


  • 4 March: Russians enter Berlin.
  • 16 March: Prussia declares war on France.
  • 2 May: Battle of Lutzen. (Gross-Gorshcen).
  • 20-21 May: Battle of Bautzen.
  • 23 May: Wellington advances into Spain.
  • 4 June: Armistice of Pleichwitz begins.
  • 12 June: French evacuate Madrid.
  • 21 June: Battle of Vitoria.
  • 12 August: Austria declares war on France.
  • 17 August: Armistice of Pleichwitz ends.
  • 23 August: Battle of Grossbeeren.
  • 26 August: Battle of Katzbach.
  • 26-27 August: Battle of Dresden.
  • 30 August: Battle of Kulm.
  • 6 September: Battle of Dennewitz.
  • 3 October: Battle of Wartenburg.
  • 16-19 October: Battle of Leipzig.
  • 30 October: Battle of Hanau.
  • 10 November: Battle of Nivelle.



  • 26 February: Napoleon escapes Elba.
  • 1 March: Napoleon lands in France.
  • 20 March: Napoleon enters Paris.
  • 15 June: Napoleon crosses into Belgium.
  • 16 June: Battle of Ligny. Battle of Quartre Bras.
  • 18 June: Battle of Waterloo. Battle of Wavre.
  • 22 June: Napoleon abidicates.

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