Friday, May 3, 2013


Interview of Edward IV and Louis XI at Pecquigny
Margaret was not at the battle; she was captured a few days after, and brought to London on the 21st of May. For five years she remained a prisoner, but was treated honourably and for part at least of the time was in charge of her old friend the duchess of Suffolk. Finally Louis XIransomed her under the Treaty of Pecquigny, and she retufned to France on the 29th of January 1476.

THE TREATY OF PECQUIGNY (1475), was made between Edward IV andLouis XI of France.

The English invaded France in 1475, Edward IV having made an alliance withCharles of Burgundy, but directly the English set foot in France, Louis offered to treat for peace, and eventually the treaty of Pecquigny was made on these terms:—
  1. Edward to return to England on the payment of 75,000 crowns.
  2. A truce to be kept for seven years.
  3. The Kings of England and France to assist each other against foreign enemies or rebellious subjects.
  4. Prince Charles, son of Louis XI, to marry the Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV.
  5. The King of France to pay annually to the King of England the sum of 50,000 crowns.

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