Sunday, April 28, 2013

Things Medieval — Shoes

14th c shoes

Mid- to late-14th Century men’s civilian shoes, in this case simple turn-shoes.

15th c shoes

15th Century men’s shoes. Despite looking simpler, they are much more elaborate, being turned and welted, with a clumped on sole. This particular pair have been worn for several years, been soaked, dried over a fire, and had the outer soles wear through and be replaced. They are also very comfortable and practical.

14th c shoes

Another pair of civilian shoes, in this case late 15th, here worn with pattens. These are soft slip-on shoes ideal for indoor wear by gentlemen of leisure.

15th c shoes

15th Century civilian shoes, with a peaked vamp and heel. Another pair of fancy civilian shoes, again done as turn-shoes. They are laced at the inside of the foot, and made of reasonably robust leather. In this picture, construction is progressing, and the seam up the outside edge of the foot has not been completed.

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